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Present status of eel research in Japan91&22001-12-01
Eel management in France: how are we to face the dilemma of a European wide species? 91&22001-12-01
Stock status and management prospect of the freshwater eels Anguilla spp. in Taiwan91&22001-12-01
Ways to investigate the problems of the sustainability of eel stocks91&22001-12-01
History of the Eifac/ Ices eel meetings91&22001-12-01
The eel Anguilla anguilla an endangered species in Europe91&22001-12-01
Induced spawning and larval rearing of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in Taiwan91&22001-12-01
Sex steroids and pituitary extract increase gonadotropin II cntent in the pituitary of aquacultured Japanese eel Anguilla japonica91&22001-12-01
Silvering in the eel: changes in morphology, body fat content and gonadal development91&22001-12-01
A mechanical analysis of mooring lines on the deployed fish aggregating devices off Lutao. 81&22000-12-01
The Production analysis of milkfish Chanos chanos farming in Taiwan. 81&22000-12-01
Report on the integrated spawning - hatching - larviculture system in Chinese carps. 81&22000-12-01
The silvering of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica : season, age, size and fat.81&22000-12-01
Dietary protein requirement of fingerling Zacco pachycephalus.81&22000-12-01
Breeding behavior of the grey face moray Siderea thyrsoidea and the development of pro-larvae.81&22000-12-01
Acute toxicity of ammonia and nitrite to giant sea perch lates calcaifer juveniles - effects on hematologic parameters.81&22000-12-01
Acute toxicity of ammonia and nitrite to white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles.81&22000-12-01
The effect of smoking processing on chemical composition and sensory evaluation of European eel meat. 81&22000-12-01
Distribution of functional composition in the viscera of squid illex argentinus.81&22000-12-01
Studies on catch trend and growth parameters of dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus in the eastern waters of Taiwan.71&21999-12-01