


Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research

Improving the Quality of Traditional Smoked Shark Products

  • Date:1995-06-01
  • Volume:3
  • No:1
  • Page:53-64
  • Auther:Wang, W. L., P. F. Huang, S. C. Liu, K. S. Chen an
The purpose of this study is to standardize the process of traditional smoked shark fillet to improve the quality in order to let the product suitable for the supermarket. The frozen semi-dressed juvenile Japanese gray shark Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, including spine bone, and the tail fillet of matured jelly-meat shark Lamna ditropis were used as raw material. Can sugar was used as smoking material in the experiment.
There was an optimum condition for every processing step. Desiccating was conducted under 45 蚓 water immediately after raw material was soaking in 90~95 蚓 water for 40 sec. Temperature of internal fillet should reach 60~65 蚓 during steaming or cooking process to get the better elasticity of meat. Before smoking of meat, cooked fillet had to be cool and kept at the temperature between 5~10 蚓. The suitable smoking period was about 80~100 sec, depending on species, size, and volume of fillets. Finally, the proper flavor was obtained after immersion the fillets in 0.8~1.0 ppt of smoking liquid at 5 蚓 for 3~3.5 hours. The yields of processed fillets, depending on the species and raw material as well as cooking condition, were 56~71 % for Lamna ditropis tail fillet and 50~57 % for semi-dressed juvenile Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, respectively.