


Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research

Induced Breeding of Japanese Eels, Anguilla japonica

  • Date:1993-06-01
  • Volume:1
  • No:1
  • Page:27-34
  • Auther: Yu, T. C., C. L. Tsai, Y. S. Tsai and J. Y. Lai
Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) were treated with mixed gonadotropin. The female reached mature stage after the sixth injection. Ten hours after another injection with double dosage, some female spawned spontaneously or were stripped successfully. Under 19.5℃ and 35 ppt, the fertilized eggs hatched after about 48 hours. Average total length of newly hatched fry was 2.89 mm with body slightly bent. The total length of one day old fry increased to 2.94 mm. On the fourth day, the average total length of fry was 5.24 mm and mass mortality was occurred. The total length of the 12-day old fry reached 7.82 mm with jaw teeth extruded. Average total length of 17-day old fry was 11.12 mm with atrophy of jaw teeth. High mortality occurred again. All fry died after 25 days. The total length was 19.2 mm.