


Bulletin of TFRI (1953-1991)

Studies on the Artificial Propagation for Broodstock Establishment of Groupers-The Embryonic Development of Blue-spotted Grouper (E. fario) and Comparing with Hybrid (E. fario × E. malabaricus)

  • Date:2004-09-14
  • Year:1991
  • No:50
  • Page:197-216
  • Auther:Shinn-Lih Yeh, Yeong-Torng Chu and Yun-Yuan Ting
This paper shows the results of preliminary trials of artificial progagation obtained from female (E. fario) and sex reversal treated males (E. malabaricus, E. fario), and comparsion with embryonic development between blue-spotted grouper (E. fario) and hybrid (E. fario × E. Malabaricus).
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