


Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research

Processing and Storage Stability of Fried Shredded Mackerel

  • Date:1996-06-01
  • Volume:4
  • No:1
  • Page:85-93
  • Auther:Chen K. S., S. S. Chang, Y. E. Shiue, W. J. Chen,
This study was conducted to develop the fried shredded mackerel. Freshmackerel were dressed, frozen, and then salted in 18 % brine at 5℃ for 30 h.After being comminuted, the separated muscle was seasoned and parched to thefinal product. The sensory acceptability of this product was better than that ofmarketed swordfish products. When stored at 30℃ for 12 weeks, the changes inacid value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value showed no significant differencebetween fried shredded mackerel and swordfish. This result indicated that thestorage stability of fried shredded mackerel was similar to that of friedshredded swordfish. The aerobic plate counts remained about 103 CFU/g throughthe period of storage. Inconclusion, mackerl was a fish species feasible forprocessing fried shredded product. Shredded mackerel had a lower acid value, buta higher TBA value than shredded swordfish stored at 4℃ for 12 weeks. Due toinconsistency, neither acid value nor TBA value was suitable for the qualityindex of shredded mackerel.