


Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research

Studies on catch trend and growth parameters of dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus in the eastern waters of Taiwan.

  • Date:1999-12-01
  • Volume:7
  • No:1&2
  • Page:1-9
  • Auther:Chen, W. Y., W. C. Chiang, H. H. Hseu, L. Y. Hseu
The history of dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus fishery of the eastern Taiwan during 1953-1997 can be divided into three periods, (1) pre-developing stage, 1953-1971 (2) developing stage, 1972-1989 (3) fully-exploited stage, 1990-1997. This study estimated the standing stock size and revealed that the theoretical maximum production was about 8,700 MT. The major fishing methods of dolphinfish in Chengkung area were long-line power craft and plastic raft. Comparing the catch per unit effort (cpue) of these two methods shown that the cpue of powered fishing craft was 7.518 times greater than plastic raft. Applying FiSAT software of FAO-ICLARM to the length-frequency data (1,448 fish of male and 5,033 of female) sampled from Shinkang fish market in 1998, this study obtained the follwing growth parameters:
Male: FL1=53.29cm, FL2=104.32cm, L=187cm, K=1.31(year-1), M=1.27 (year-1); Female: FL1=57.52cm, FL2=99.86cm, L=166cm, K=0.99(year-1), M=1.09(year-1).