


Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research

Species Compositions of Bottom Trawlers in Relation to Towing Strata, Depths and Durations in the Continental Slope of the Northern South China Sea

  • Date:1996-12-01
  • Volume:4
  • No:2
  • Page:95-105
  • Auther:Lee, C. L.
A total of 38 bottom trawl operations were conducted from 20 June 1991 to 23April 1995 along the continental slope of South China Sea at depths of 200 -1,100 meters. The survey area was stratified into five sub-areas, and thehighest CPUE was 381.4 kg/haul-hour at Sub-area D (115o30' E - 116o40' E, 20o05'N - 20o55' N). For different depth strata, we found that the depth stratum of200 - 299 meters had the highest CPUE with a value of 257.9 kg/haul-hour. Catchof prawns as comprised principally of 16.76% Parahepomadus vaubani, 9.34%Haliporoides sibogae, 9.21% Plesionika spp., 9.18% Acanthephyra armata, and7.89% Heterocarpus woodmassoni. The fishes composition was 13.09% Raja spp.,12.84% Trichiurus lepturus, 11.31% Coelorhynchus spp., 5.92% Mytophidae spp.,5.66% Cubiceps squamiceps, and 5.04% Gadomus spp..