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Titles of Published Papers
Ting, Y. Y., D. T. Lu and M. N. Lin (1976) Dos revolucionarios metodos de tratamiento de Artemia salina utilizada como alimento en el cultivo de camarion. DGRNR, Hondurus, Ser. de Pesca, 1, 9 pp.
Lu, D. T., Y. Y. Ting and M. N. Lin (1976) Reproduccion de comaron de rio y de mar (I) Sistema de tanques de Taiwan. DGRNR, Hondurus, Ser. de Pesca, 4, 15 pp.
Lin, M. N., D. T. Lu and Y. Y. Ting (1976) LA biologia general yel desarrollo del cameron de rio o langostino (Macrobrachium americanus). DGRNR, Hondurus, Ser. de Pesca, 2, 35 pp.
Tan T. H. and S. C. Chen (1975) On relation of occurrence of tuna fish larvae to the aquatic environments in adjacent waters of Taiwan and the South China Sea. ACTA OCEANOGRAPHICA TAIWANICA, 5: 179-20
Su, M. S. and H. C. Liu (1975) Age and growth of yellow sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) from the East and South China Seas. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwan., 5: 139-151.
Lin, M. N. (1975) Cultivo de camaron de rio en estanques, mediante el sistema de fertilizado y comida artificial como suplemento. DGRNR, Hondurus, 5 pp.
Chao, N. H., H. P. Chen and I C. Liao (1975) Study on cryogenic preservation of grey mullet sperm. Aquaculture, 5: 389-406.
Su, M. S., S. Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1973) Morphometric and meristic studies on the yellow sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) from the South and the East China Seas. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwan., 3: 223-234.
Chen, S. C. and T. H. Tan (1973) A preliminary report on occurrence of tuna larvae in waters adjacent to Taiwan and South China Sea. Report Inst. Fish. Biol. Ministry Economic Affairs, 3(1): 158-172.
Chao, N. H., H. P. Chen, J. K. Sherman and I C. Liao (1973) Experiment on cryogenic preservation of grey mullet sperm. II Effect of dilution and cryoprotective agents on prefreeze motility and fertili
Chao, N. H. (1973) Handbook of Macrobrachium rosebergii. Tungkang Marine Laboratory, Tungkang, Pingtung, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1-52.
Chao, N. H. and E. W. Hupp (1972) Relationship between gonadal development and radiation sensitivity in the female golden hamster. Bull. Inst. Zool., Academia Sinica, 11(2): 1-10.
Liu, H. C. and M. S. Su (1971) Maturity and fecundity of yellow sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) in the southern area of the East China Sea and the northern area of the South China Sea. Acta Oceanogr. Tai
Chao, N. H. and E. W. Hupp (1971) Relationship between gonadal development and radiation sensitivity in the male golden hamster. Bull. Inst. Zool., Academia Sinica, 10(2): 59-67.
Lin, M. N. (1970) Suitability of Gracilaria for culture in Tseng Wen tidal land area. JCRR Fish. Ser., 9: 43-53.
Lin, M. N. (1970) The population of Gracilaria in Yuanchang Reservoir, Putai, Chiayi. JCRR Fish. Ser., 9: 30-36.
Chao, N. H. (1969) Yellow water bacteria and antibacterial activity of four algal extracts in milkfish ponds. JCRR Fish. Ser., 8: 31-40.