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Feasibility Studies on the Rapid Proximate Composition Analysis of Fish Feed by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  • Date:1995-06-01
  • Volume:3
  • No:1
  • Page:65-72
  • Auther:Lan, H. L., C. C. Tu, Y. P. Kao, W. C. Wang

Near-infrared reflactance (NIR) spectroscopy was used to analyze the proximate composition of fish feed. The proximate composition of total of 268 various commercial aquatic feeds including for the species of eel, black tiger shrimp, fresh water prawn, kuruma prawn, tilapia, tilapia aurea, pearch, milkfish, bream, mullet, were compared either determined by NIR method or by the official CNS method. A partial least square regression analysis indicate that the correlation (r) values of the two methods were 0.997, 0.984, 0.929, 0.909 and 0.932 for crude protein, lipid, moisture, ash and crude fiber respectively. Those data suggest that the NIR method may be applied in monitoring crude protein and lipid contents of aquatic feeds.