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Age and Ggrowth of Sergestid Shrimp (Sergia lucens) off the Guei-shan Isle by Length Based Analysis (FiSAT)

  • Date:2011-12-30
  • Volume:19
  • No:2
  • Page:15-28
  • Auther:Shr-Lung Jau, Fu-Guang Liu, Yii-Shing Huang and Chi-Lun Wu

Totally seven voyages of IKMT trawling of the R/V Fishery Researcher 1 were conducted on the waters off Guei-shan isle from June 2003 to March 2005. The FiSAT, which was developed by ICLARM and especially designed for estimating the growth of crustacean by analyzing the temporal series of length data, was used to estimate the growth of female, male and pooled sergestid shrimp. The sample sizes for female, male and pooled were 9778, 7042 and 16820, respectively. The estimated growth coefficient and infinite length of VBGF for female, male and pooled sergestid shrimp were denoted as following: 1) female: K=1.4 year-1, L=51.50 mm; 2) male: K=1.01 year-1, L=50.21 mm; 3) pooled: K=1.21 year-1, L=51.32 mm. Compared with the growth performance indices (ø') of sergestid shrimp from Guei-shan isle, Tunkang, and Suruga Bay, Tunkang had the highest one and the followings were Guei-shan and Suruga Bay. Based on the geographical differences among those three localities, the study suggested that water temperature served as the key factor affecting the growth of sergestid shrimp.